Elite life

Grape Juice Recipes


   Grapes were cultivated 6,000 years ago in Europe. There are over 60 varieties of grapes that are cultivated for wine making and over 50 varieties are in current production as table grapes. Over 200 years ago, Franciscan monks brought grapes to California for the purpose of making sacramental wine. As the population grew, more grape varieties were introduced. 40 years later, the first vineyard for table grapes was planted. Grapes may be classified as red, blue and white - which are actually pale green in color. Each kind has its own particular character for wine making and as a table grape. Grapes, like fruit trees, require a stable climate in order to provide a dependable growing environment. Grapes are an excellent source of potassium, which encourages an alkaline blood balance and also stimulates the kidneys and regulates heartbeat.  The restorative power of grapes is phenomenal, cleansing the liver and removing the uric acid from the body.  Grapes also contain a phytochemical that appears to protect each cell's DNA from damage.
Apple and Green Grape Juice

3 Granny Smith apples, quartered and cored
1 cup (250 ml) seedless green grapes
1 thin wedge lemon, peeled
Using electric juice extractor, press apples, grapes and lemon. Whisk to combine.
A Simple Grape Juice

Rinse and clean the grapes. Put the grapes (stems and all) into a vegetable steamer tray and place inside a pot. Add 1 cup of water to the bottom of the pot. Put a tight-fitting lid on the pot. Cook on High until the water starts to boil, maybe 3 minutes. Simmer on Very Low for 30 minutes. Take a flat spatula and smoosh the rest of the juice from the wrinkled grapes, letting it drain into the bottom of the pot. Toss the stems and spent grapes from the top of the steamer and keep the juice from the bottom of the pan. You can drink it straight, or add up to 50% water to taste or do what I do and add some honey while it's still hot. You can also freeze it or put it into canning jars and can it for winter use.
Blueberry Grape Juice

Handful of grapes
1 cup blueberries, fresh or thawed from frozen
Process the fruit in a juicer and serve.
Celery Grape Juice

1 bunch of grapes
2 celery stalks
Cut the celery into smaller sections and juice with the grapes. You can top this tasty juice with fresh mint leaves.
Cherry Grape Lemon Juice

1 cup cherries, seeded,
1 bunch grapes
1 lemon wedge
Process the cherries, grapes and lemon through your juicer.
Easy Concord Grape Juice

To each sterilized quart jar
2 cups washed and cleaned concord grapes
1/2 cup sugar
In sterilized jar place 2 cups grapes. Add 1/2 cup sugar. Fill to top with boiling water. Seal jars at once with 2 piece lids. Process in water-bath canner for 10 minutes. Remove from canner and keep out of drafts(cover with a towel). Next day remove metal lid-bands, and label with date and contents. Let juice stand 3 to 4 weeks before using. Strain juice from grapes and use juice.
Grape Juice

A colander for rinsing the grapes
Get a large basket, wear long sleaves and a hat, bring clippers, and fill up the basket with grape bunches. Keep in mind that a pound of grapes will yield a little less than a cup of juice. Put grapes in a basin filled with water. Then rinse the individual grapes, picking them away from the stem, collecting the grapes in a large bowl, and discarding the green unripe and old shriveled grapes. With a potato masher, mash away at the grapes so the juice begins to flow. If you have picked a lot of grapes, you may need to work in batches. We have found it easiest to mash about 4 lbs of grapes at a time. Put the mashed grapes into a large stockpot. Slowly heat the grapes and juice to a simmer on medium heat and then simmer for 10 minutes. Stir occasionally so that the grapes don't stick to the bottom of the pan. Halfway through cooking mash some more, breaking up as many of the remaining grapes as possible. Get another large pot, place a large fine mesh sieve over it. Alternatively you can cover it with two layers of cheesecloth, secure with a rubber band. Make sure pot is sitting on a plate to catch any juice that may run over. Ladle grape mixture over sieve or cheesecloth to strain. Let sit for several hours or overnight in the refrigerator to strain completely. Remove sieve or cheesecloth. Note that sediment will have formed on the bottom of the container. Rinse out the sieve or cheesecloth and strain the juice again, to filter out some of the sediment. Pour or ladle juice into containers.
Grape Juice

Pick grapes from stalks. Crush and place over a slow fire till juice runs freely. Strain through a fine cloth or jelly bag, squeezing out all the juice. Measure. For each quart of juice, use 1 ½ cups sugar. Scald juice, add sugar, boil 5 minutes after the sugar is melted. Bottle and seal.
Grape Juice 1

Kiwi Energy Burst
4 oz. of green grapes
3 kiwis
1 orange
Cut the kiwis into wedges. Peel the oranges and cut it into segments. Juice all of the ingredients.
Grape Juice 2

40 grapes
2 tbsp of your favorite honey
4 ice cubes
150 ml of water
Liquefy all the ingredients, strain and serve.
Green-Grape Juice

4 cups green grapes (about 1 1/4 pounds; preferably seedless)
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
In a blender, blend grapes and lemon juice until very smooth, about 1 minute. Pour mixture through a sieve into a bowl, pressing hard on solids.
Hot Spicy Grape Juice

1 Orange
2 Whole nutmegs, cracked
12 Whole cloves
2 Cinnamon
2 qt Grape juice
1 qt Boiling water
1/2 c Lemon juice
1 c Sugar
Peel rind from oranges in long strips using vegetable peeler; tie in cheesecloth with spices (save oranges for other uses). Put spice bag in large non-aluminum kettle with remaining ingredients and s immer 10-15 minnutes. Discard spice bag and serve hot.
Kiwi Energy Burst Juice

4 oz. of green grapes
3 kiwis
1 orange
Cut the kiwis into wedges. Peel the oranges and cut it into segments. Juice all of the ingredients.
Pineapple Grape Parsley Juice

1 cup fresh pineapple
1-2 cups grapes
½ bunch parsley
Process all ingredients through your juice extractor.
4 Fruit Juice

3 slices of pineapple
½ an orange
4 strawberries
1 bunch of red grapes
Juice the pineapple first. Peel the orange and cut into pieces then juice with the strawberries and grapes. Stir.
Unfermented Grape Juice

10 lbs. grapes
1 cup water
3 lbs. sugar
Put grapes and water in a large pot. Heat until seeds and pulp separate then strain through jelly-bag. Add sugar, heat to boiling-point, and bottle. This will make one gallon. When served, it should be diluted one-half with water.


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