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Bolivia (Bolivian Recipes) |
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In Bolivia, the main meal is lunch: most workers try to go home to eat during the week. A proper Bolivian lunch consists of soup, a main course, and possibly even dessert. The most important element in Bolivian food is the potato: it is common to see potatoes in some form served with almost every meal. Pasta and rise are also favorites. As for meat, Bolivians eat a lot more pork than people in United States or Canada. Chicken and beef are also common. | ||
Cauliflower Salad (Ensalada de Coliflor) Servings: 8 Ingredients: 2 medium sized cauliflower heads 2 teaspoons of salt ½ teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons of vinegar 1 tablespoon of oil If you want you can add tomatoes, onions, and hot pepper Cooking Instructions: Put the cauliflower heads in a large pot with plenty of boiling salt and water. Let them cook until they are soft. Drain and let cool. Cut the cauliflower into bite size pieces and add salt, pepper, vinegar, and oil. This is a delicious dish to accompany a meat dish. So that the cauliflower doesn't emit a bad odor while cooking, add a little cloth bag with bread crumbs. Change the bag for with each cooking. Also add a couple tablespoons of milk. |
Palm Hearts Salad (Ensalada de Palmitos) Servings: 4 Ingredients: 2 cans of Palm Hearts Lemon Oil Salt Cooking Instructions: Drain the cans of palm hearts. Cut them into small round slices. Add the lemon, salt, and oil to the sliced palm hearts. Serve with steak or with any cold dish. |
Corn Soup (Lagua de Choclo) Servings: 6 Ingredients: ½ Kg of beef 1 whole onion 1 turnip 4 sliced potatoes 6 large ground ears of corn Salt Cooking Instructions: Boil water in a large pot, with the meat, salt, onion, and turnip for 1 hour. Then drain the broth and add the potatoes. When the potatoes are cooked, add the ground corn little by little adding water is it is too thick. Let it boil for 15 minutes, stirring until it thickens. It should have a creamy consistancy. |
Spicy Cow Tongue (Ají de Lengua) Servings: 8 Ingredients: 1 tongue of cow (2 lbs. more or less) water sufficient to cook the tongue ½ cup oil 2 cups white onion, cut into thin strips 1 cup tomato, peeled and finely chopped ½ cup ground spicy red pepper ½ cup parsley, finely chopped ½ teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon crumbled oregano ½ teaspoon ground pepper 1 cup green peas, peeled 4 cups broth or water 1 spoonful salt 8 whole cooked potatoes chuño phuti uncooked sauce 2 spoonfuls parsley, finely chopped Cooking Instructions: Before cooking the tongue, soften it by beating it with a cooking hammer so that later it is easy to peel. Pour water in a large casserole and set it to boil over high heat. Once the water is boiling add the tongue. Let it cook for two hours until it is soft. Remove the tongue from the pot, let it cool and peel the skin that covers it. Then cut the tongue into thin slices. In a separate casserole add the oil and set to cook over high heat. Once the oil is hot add the onion. Sauté the onion. Then add the tomato, spicy red pepper, parsley, cumin, oregano, ground pepper, peas, broth and finally the salt. Mix well and let it cook for one hour more or less. The mixture must be thick. To the previous preparation add the tongue slices, mix well and let it cook a little until the tongue takes the flavor from the sauce. Serve hot with one potato per person, chuño phuti and steamed rice. Garnish with the uncooked sauce on top. |
Vegetable and Meat Stew (Chairo Paceño) Servings: 8 Ingredients: 8 cups of water 1/4 kilo of cow meat (with bone) cut into 8 pieces 1/4 kilo chalona (dry and salty lamb meat) cut into 8 pieces 1 tablespoon salt 1/2 cup of peeled Lima beans 1/2 cup of peeled green peas 1/2 cup of peeled carrots, cut into thin strips 4 cups of peeled potato, cut into thin strips 1 soaked, peeled cup of chuño (frozen potato), washed 1 cup peeled and cooked white corn 1 cup peeled and cooked wheat grains 2 spoonfuls oil 1 cup white onion, cut into thin strips (without washing) 2 spoonfuls ground cayenne pepper 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon crumbled oregano 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/4 cup green onion, cut into strips 1 teaspoon minced parsley (to serve) 1/2 teaspoon crumbled oregano (to serve) 1 teaspoon of minced mint (to serve) Cooking Instructions: Pour the water in the pot in which chairo is to be prepared. Place the pot over medium heat. As soon it is warm, add the meat and chalona. Before it begins to boil, stir and add salt. Let it cook for at least one hour. To this broth, add green beans, peas, carrots and potato. Let it boil for fifteen minutes. Then add chuño and let it boil for another five minutes. Add white corn and wheat. Let it boil until potato is cooked. In a small pan put oil and heat it at a medium temperature. Sauté the onion. Then add the cayenne pepper, cumin, oregano and black pepper; let it cook for ten minutes. Finally, add these spices to the chairo stew so that all the mixture cooks for ten more minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and add the green onion, parsley, oregano and mint. Serve one piece of meat and one piece of chalona in each serving plate. Try to maintain the initial amount of broth. if necessary, add boiling water so that the stew does not get very thick. |
Spicy Pork Meat Stew (Fricasé) Servings: 8 Ingredients: 2 spoonfuls oil 2.2 pounds pork meat, preferable ribs, cut into 16 pieces 1 cup white onion, cut into thin strips 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 teaspoon crumbled oregano 4 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 cup ground cayenne pepper (1/2 kilo in cases) 1 spoonful salt 1/2 cup green onion, cut into thin strips 8 cups boiling water 1/2 cup plain bread crumbs, to thicken To Serve: 4 cups cooked white corn 8 peeled potatoes (cooked separately) Cooking Instructions: In a large pot heat the two spoonfuls of oil over medium heat. Add the pork and fry until golden. Add onion, cumin, pepper, oregano, garlic, cayenne pepper, salt and green onion. Stir and add the eight cups of boiling water. Let cook until the meat comes off a little of the bones, at least two hours. Try to maintain the initial amount of broth, adding a little of water if necessary. Shortly before serving, add bread crumbs to thicken. Serve in a deep plate with sufficient broth. Garnish with one cooked potato and cooked white corn. |
Spicy pork and egg stew (Fritanga) Servings: 8 Ingredients: 2.2 pounds pork, preferable ribs 2 cups cold water 2 cups white onion, thinly sliced 1 cup green onion, thinly sliced 1 1/2 cup peeled tomato, thinly sliced 1 spoonful fine minced mint 1/2 cup fine minced parsley 1 spoonful crumbled oregano 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/2 cup ground cayenne pepper 1 spoonful salt 4 cups water or broth 4 eggs (optional) Cooking Instructions: Cut the meat in small pieces. In a large pot heat the two cups of cold water and add the pork meat. Let boil until all the water evaporates. Remove the meat from the pot. Stir-fry all the other ingredients, according to the order of the list, using the butter left in the pot by the cooked pork. Add the pork meat and the four cups of water or broth. Let it cook over high heat until it boils. Then in low heat for two hours until the meat is tender. Try to maintain the initial amount of broth. If necessary, add boiling water so that the stew does not get very thick. Five minutes before serving, add the green onions and remove the pot from the heat. Serve with cooked white corn and cooked potatoes. After adding the green onion, add four eggs mixing quickly to thicken the stew. Serve in a deep plate. |
Roasted Pig (Lechón al Horno) Servings: 8 Ingredients: 1 baby pig (6 1/2 pounds more or less) 1 lemon 1 cup ground cayenne pepper 1/4 cup parsley, finely minced 1 spoonful thyme, finely minced 1 spoonful garlic (8 cloves), peeled, minced, and roasted 11/2 spoonfuls ground salt 11/2 teaspoons ground cumin 11/2 teaspoons crumbled oregano 1 teaspoons ground black pepper 3/4 cup vinegar 1/4 cup oil or butter Cooking Instructions: Clean the pig scraping with a knife's edge the hair that might still be on the skin. Rub the inside and outside of the pig with the lemon juice. In a separate bowl mix all the ingredients, so that a sauce forms. Rub the pig with the mixture. Let it stand for one night. Before putting the pig into the oven, sprinkle it with the juice that had dripped during the night. Make small cuts in the joints of the shoulders and legs, separating the nerves of these limbs. This is made to avoid shrinking when cooking. Place the pig in a deep baking sheet to receive the juice that drips when cooking, with the skin downwards so that, in contact with the juice, it cooks first. One hour later, turn the pig over so that the skin already cooked turns golden and crunchy. Let it cook for about three hours over medium heat (American oven: 350 Fahrenheit degrees; European oven: 176 Celsius degrees). Remove baking sheet from oven. Cut the meat into medium size pieces (about 3 to 4 inches). Serve with baked potatoes and lettuce salad. |
Rice and meat dish (Majao) Servings: 4 Ingredients: 5 cups water 1/2 pound charque (dry and salty meat) 1 cup rice 1/2 cup onion (without washing), thinly sliced 1/2 cup tomato, peeled and minced 1/4 teaspoon salt (if charque is not very salty) 1/2 cup oil 4 seeds urucú soaked in 1/2 water cup (paprika will also work) 1/2 cup water or broth 1 teaspoon salt To Serve: 1/2 fried plantain, per person 2 slices yucca (also known as cassava or tapioca) cooked and fried, per person 1 fried egg, per person Cooking Instructions: In a large pot, pour the five cups of water and set it to boil over high heat. Once it is boiling add charque and let it cook until it is tender. Remove from heat and shred the meat. To the water where meat cooked, add rice and salt. Let it cook over medium heat for twenty-five minutes more or less, until the rice is well cooked, but not dry. In a small casserole heat 1/4 cup of oil over medium heat. Add the shredded meat and stir-fry until golden. Remove from heat. In casserole, add the remaining 1/4 cup of oil and heat it over high heat. Add the onion and stir-fry for a while. Add tomato, urucú, water or broth, and salt. Let cook for five minutes. Then add the fried shredded meat and mix. Finally, add the meat mixture to the rice pot. Mix everything. For good results, the whole mixture does not have to be dry. If necessary, add some water or broth. Serve hot, with the fried egg on top, the fried plantain and the fried yucca. |
Chicken stew (Picana de Pollo) Servings: 8 Ingredients: 1 chicken, cut into eight pieces 2 cups white wine 1/2 cup green peas, peeled 1 bay leaf 1 cup white onion, thinly sliced 1 cup tomato, peeled and minced 3 carrots, cut into strips of four 1 fresh chili pepper, cut into eight pieces 1 small thyme branch, minced 1 small celery stick 1/4 cup parsley, finely minced 3 whole-grain black pepper 11/2 teaspoon salt 2 cups water or broth 8 whole potatoes, peeled 16 round slices corn on the cob 1/2 cup raisins (optional) Cooking Instructions: Put all ingredients in a large casserole, except potatoes. Mix very well. Add potatoes so that they are on top of all other ingredients. Cook over low heat for two to three hours. In a deep serving plate, serve a piece of chicken, potato and corn round slices with enough broth. |
La Paz typical dish (Plato Paceño) Servings: 8 Ingredients: 8 fresh corn on the cob (without husks) 2.2 pounds peeled Lima beans 8 potatoes 4 fresh quesillos (fresh cheese), sliced 1/4 cup oil or butter to fry the cheese 1 cup llajwa (spicy tomato and chili sauce) Cooking Instructions: At the bottom of a large pot, put corn husks (more or less three inches high), and add boiling water until covering them. Place the pot over high heat. As soon as the water boils, add the corn and the Lima beans separated by corn husks. Let it boil for twenty-five minutes more or less. Add the washed potatoes and cover with more corn husks. Let it boil for another twenty minutes, or until all vegetables are cooked. In a large pan heat oil over high heat. Fry cheese slices until golden. Do not let them burn. In each plate, serve one corn on the cob, Lima beans, one potato and slices of fried cheese. Add llajwa is desired. |
Spicy meat (Saisi) Ingredients: 1 pound cow meat (hip) ½ cup oil 1 cup green peas, peeled 2 cups white onion, finely chopped 1 cup tomato, peeled and finely chopped ½ cup ground spicy red pepper ½ teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon oregano, crumbled ½ fresh parsley, finely chopped ½ teaspoon ground black pepper 1 spoonful salt 3 cups broth or cold water To serve: 8 potatoes, peeled and cooked (boiled) separately chuño phuti uncooked sauce steamed rice 2 spoonfuls parsley, finely chopped Cooking Instructions: Cut the meat into very small pieces. In a casserole combine the meat with all the other ingredients, including the broth or water. Set to cook over high heat until it boils and later over low heat, for at least an hour or until everything is very well cooked. If the preparation dries a little, add broth or hot water. It must be very juicy. Serve in a deep plate with one cooked potato, steamed rice or chuño phuti and uncooked sauce. Sprinkle with the chopped parsley on top. |
Cinnamon Sorbet (Helado de Canela) Servings: 4 Ingredients: 5 cups of water 1 stick of cinnamon (about 1 inch long) 1¼ cups of powdered sugar 2 tablespoons of cold water 1 tablespoon of corn starch 2 tablespoons of cold water 1 teaspoon of red food coloring 1 tablespoon lemon juice Cooking Instructions: Boil the 5 cups of water with the cinnamon until the water has a color and taste, and till it has simmered down to 4 cups of water. Add the sugar and let boil for 5 minutes. Dissolve the corn starch in the two tablespoons of cold water and add to the boiling cinnamon mixture. Let it cook for about 5 minutes. Add the food coloring to the other 2 tablespoons of cold water and then add the two to the boiling cinnamon mixture. Remove from the heat and let it cool a little. Add the tablespoon of lemon and strain the mixture. When the mixture is cold, put it in the freezer and stir it every so often so that it does not get too hard. Serve when it has achieved a proper consistency. |