Elite life

Falkland Islands (Falkland Islands Recipes)

World Cuisine Recipes

   Falkland Islands` cuisine is unique because it uses elements from various cooking traditions borrowed from their neighbors and developed from their own traditional dishes. The diversity of vegetables and cereals found in Falkland Islands is also noticed in the delicious dishes belonging to their cuisine. While there are no specific or unique preparation methods for Falkland Islands` cooking, we should point out that attention to detail is important in the Falkland Islands` cuisine. Using the right amount of spices for example is essential – either for spicing up the taste or for coloring the dish. The visual attractiveness of the dish is also important, and a balance between colors and proportion differentiates. Each traditional dish has a special cooking method, which is more or less general in all of Falkland Island’s regions. Meat is one of the main elements of most Falkland Islands` dishes and cured and smoked hams are often parts of delicious dishes.

World Cuisine Recipes


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